The company Pronaw Sp. z o.o. was created in 2010, and has been operating under its present name since 2012, when, as a result of the formal division of the company C&T elmech Sp. z o.o., it took over all rights and obligations arising from the completed, ongoing and planned orders in the field of supplies and services for the navigation marking sector. Pronaw took over the rights and obligations along with the staff, tools, materials, knowledge and experience, which includes more than 15 years of activity in the navigation marking industry.
The headquarters of the Pronaw company is located in Gdańsk, at Łozy 21 Street.
The personnel of the company is formed by the former employees of the company C&T elmech Sp. z o.o, who developed and selected navigation equipment for the individual projects carried out for the purpose of navigation marking and directed these projects during their implementation. The success of the company stems from the combination of engineering experience with a passionate interest in sailing and marine navigation. This is the foundation of the company’s unique business activity consisting in the provision of services for the purposes of marking of sea basins.
Since the division, ProNaw has been implementing the guarantee obligations, maintenance and repair of equipment and installations delivered and previously serviced by C&T elmech Sp. z o.o., supporting the prepared projects with knowledge, experience and developed solutions, and participating in procurement procedures and execution of orders in its field of activity.